Throughout our Flags for Heroes campaign, we’ve had the privilege of learning about the incredible veterans who have served our country with courage and dedication. These stories, filled with sacrifice and resilience, serve as a powerful reminder of the true meaning of patriotism.
We’re honored to share the story of Carl Krieger, a true patriot whose lifelong dedication to his country exemplifies the highest ideals of service.
Story submitted by Pamela Colon: “Carl dedicated 30 years to our country in the Army and retired at the rank of Command Seargeant Major. He served an additional 10 years preparing the next generation for service as a Jr ROTC instructor at Regan High School in Houston. Carl is 80 years old and loves the American flag and all it stands for as much as anyone I know. At 80 he still maintains close relationships with many of his troops and students. Carl is well respected by many in the military community and was recently honored at Patriot Fest. Carl served in several theaters of war and I’ve no doubt even at 80 he would serve his country in anyway he could if needed.”
Thank you, Larry, for your honorable service, sacrifice, and dedication.